What Is the Starting Score of a Doubles Pickleball Game?


For the advanced pickleball player looking to take their doubles game up a notch, this post will explore essential rules and strategies for serving, positioning, and scoring. Here, we’ll cover the basic rules of doubles pickleball, explain what is the starting score of a doubles pickleball game and offer tips on how to play pickleball effectively as a team. You’ll learn about serving strategies, positioning on the court, and how to score points in this exciting racket sport.

Whether you’re new to pickleball or just starting out with doubles play, understanding these fundamentals will help you enjoy the game more fully. We’ve gathered some pro tips to provide you with a strong base for improving your game and having an enjoyable time while playing. 

So let’s dive in and discuss what is the starting score of a doubles pickleball game as we explore everything there is to know about playing doubles pickleball!

Check out CRP today for more information on pickleball games.

Table of Contents

Understanding Pickleball Scoring

Pickleball scoring can be confusing for beginners, so it’s important to understand the differences between doubles and singles play.

In doubles pickleball, the score comprises three numbers: the serving team’s score, the receiving team’s score, and the opponent’s current score. The server must win two points for their side to gain a point. This means that if one player from each side serves twice before either side scores a point, then both players have served once, and neither has scored yet.

In singles pickleball, there are only two numbers in play – the server’s score and the receiver’s score. The same rules apply as in doubles play, where each player must serve twice before either can gain a point. Keeping track of who has served last is important since this will determine which player serves next when someone wins a point. 

When playing pickleball on an official court with lines marking out zones for each player or team, all players should stand within their respective zone during service while keeping an eye on their opponent’s position relative to theirs at all times.

Serving and receiving in pickleball follows its own set of rules, so let’s take a look at how those work.

Serving and Receiving in Pickleball

Serving and receiving in pickleball is an important part of the game. To start a rally, players must serve underhand, meaning they must hit the ball with their racket below waist level. This allows the receiving team to win points, allowing them time to return the ball before hitting it back.

The person on the right always serves first, but if your opponent completely misses a serve or hits it out of bounds, you get a point and switch places with your partner. This means that both teams have equal chances of winning each point during rallies if they play according to the rules.

Certain rules must be followed for proper scoring when serving in doubles pickleball games. The server’s score will not count until their partner has returned the ball and won a point from it; only then will their score be added to the team’s total score for that game or set. Similarly, when returning serves in singles pickleball, both sides’ scores will count towards determining who wins each point since there is no one else on either side to help return shots successfully.


It is important to keep track of who is serving and their current score compared to their opponent’s to accurately follow how many points each player has earned throughout playtime. This helps determine which team ultimately wins at any given moment during gameplay. Knowing these basics about scoring can help ensure everyone stays on top of all aspects related to keeping track of points while playing pickleball, regardless if they are just starting out or already experienced pros.

Serving and receiving in pickleball is an essential part of the game, as it sets up the scoring for each team. With a good understanding of how to serve and receive correctly, players can set themselves up for success in pickleball. Now let’s move on to strategies that will help you win at pickleball – anticipating your opponent’s moves and using precision shots & quick reflexes.

Key Takeaway: When playing doubles pickleball, the right side serves first and each team’s score only counts after their partner has returned the ball and won a point. Keeping track of who is serving and what their respective scores are will ensure you’re up to speed with how many points have been earned throughout playtime – it’ll also help determine which team comes out on top in the end. In other words, knowing your scoring basics can be key to victory.

Strategies for Winning at Pickleball

When it comes to winning at pickleball, anticipation and reflexes are key. Being able to anticipate your opponent’s moves before they make them can give you the upper hand in a game of pickleball.

This means being able to read their body language and playing style so that you can react quickly when they move or hit the ball. To do this successfully, practice observing your opponents during warm-ups and between games.

Precision shots also play an important role in winning at pickleball. Taking aim with accuracy is essential for ensuring that your shots land where you want them to – either close enough to the net for a quick return or far away from your opponent’s reach so they cannot get there in time. Aiming high will also help increase the chances of landing successful shots and keeping control over where the ball goes after it bounces off of another surface (e.g., a court wall).

Additionally, quick reflexes are vital when returning volleys back and forth across the court; timing is everything here. Reacting quickly will allow you to keep up with fast-paced rallies without getting caught off guard by sudden changes in direction or speed from your opponent’s hits.

Finally, mastering these strategies takes practice. Dedicate some time each day towards honing these skills: observe other players on the court; focus on hitting precise shots; build up reaction times through drills such as hitting against a wall; and even try watching professional matches online if available – all of which can improve how well you play pickleball overall.

With enough dedication and commitment towards improving one’s game, anyone can become an expert at pickleball strategy no matter what skill level they may be starting out at today.

Key Takeaway: To be successful at pickleball, one must have a keen eye for reading the opponent’s body language and playing style in order to react quickly; master precision shots by aiming high and keeping control of where it goes after bouncing off another surface; plus practice quick reflexes when returning volleys back-and-forth across the court. To become an expert player, put in dedicated effort towards honing these skills each day.

Tips For Improving Your Game

To up your pickleball game, the key lies in getting your court positioning right and tapping into online video tutorials.

Correct positioning is key when playing doubles pickleball. It helps players keep track of their own score as well as their opponents’ score by orienting them correctly during gameplay.

When playing singles pickleball, it also allows for better reach and coverage of the court. Ensure a proper stance by planting both feet on either side of the center line and orienting yourself facing forward with your racket arm pointing towards the adversary’s court.

Online video tutorials can be an awesome tool for acquiring fresh methods and approaches to refine your performance. My Pro Pickleball Coach offers over 140 videos and an accompanying e-book filled with tips from some of today’s top players. Additionally, signing up for bi-weekly newsletters will help keep you up-to-date on all things related to this exciting sport.

No matter your skill level, you can always take advantage of the many resources available to improve and explore pickleball.

Key Takeaway: To be successful in doubles pickleball, it’s important to have correct positioning on the court and take advantage of online video lessons. With resources like My Pro Pickleball Coach offering over 140 videos plus an e-book filled with tips from top players, you can brush up your skills or try something new – so get ready to hit ’em outta the park.

FAQs in Relation to What is the Starting Score of a Doubles Pickleball Game

How does pickleball scoring start?

Pickleball scoring starts with a serve from one player to the other. The receiving team must let the ball bounce once before volleying it back over the net. If the ball isn’t returned correctly, a point goes to their adversaries.

Points are earned when the opposing team can’t hit it back or send it outside of bounds. A game is won by reaching 11 points first and having at least two more than your opponent’s score, known as winning by two clear points.

What is the first score called out in pickleball?

The first score called out in pickleball is the “serve.” The serve begins at a point and must be done diagonally across the court to the opponent’s side. It must also clear the non-volley zone before being returned by an opposing player.

If it does not, then it is considered an illegal serve, and no points are awarded for that rally. Proper technique of serving should be practiced in order to maximize accuracy and speed when playing pickleball.

What are the scoring terms in pickleball?

Pickleball is a game with simple rules and scoring terms. A set is won when one team reaches 11 points, or if both sides have 10 each, the side with two more will be victorious. The first team to reach 11 wins the set unless both teams have 10 points; then, whichever team reaches 2 more than their opponent will be declared the winner.

Points are scored when one side fails to return a shot or if an illegal stroke is made by either player on either side. Players must hit below waist level and over the net without touching it to count as a point when serving.


What is the starting score of a doubles pickleball game? The starting score of a doubles pickleball game is an important factor in the outcome of any match.

Realizing the regulations and techniques for succeeding can assist you in gaining superiority over your adversaries while shunning usual missteps will offer you more possibilities to prevail.

With practice and dedication, mastering this sport can be rewarding and enjoyable. Leave a review now for a $5 Gift card!

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